Diablo Cody's Very Short Hair

Diablo Cody - Very short and highly spiked hairstyle
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Diablo Cody has quite the personality with her very short and highly spiked white platinum hairstyle. The back is cropped up to the nape, and her hair is cut around the ears on the sides.
The short bangs have been styled over to the side to expose her forehead and gather attention on the top and at the crown. When she doesn't want to wear her hair spiked, she could blow-dry it down and over for a little flair toward her face. The bangs could also be puffed up around her eyes.
Her eye makeup is heavy with eyeliner, lashes, and mascara. There is a warm shadow that comes down around the eye just a bit. Light, attractive eyebrows and the barest hint of pink on her face with a glossy lip tone. She is wearing a satiny blue color that always looks good with the icy color of her hair.
Diablo Cody
Photo by PR Photos
What color earrings would you like to see her in? Maybe rubies? Emeralds and sapphires would also look good with a blue and green satin band around her forehead.
See also: More short hairstyles